A bit about me- Steve Roake
The last time i wrote a bit about me was in June 2004 and i think its time to reassess who i am and what i am to this site. Im the creator of cloudhoppers.org , started some 20 years ago on a whim because one man ballooning had no media presence. Im still an ameteur enthusiast but now with 20 years of mucking around at it trying to find a blend of information that works for all.

In 2004 I realised this great form of ballooning lacked any presence on the world wide web. Trying to redress this initially I set up a forum on Yahoogroups by which like minded individuals could compare notes and exchange views.
Shortly afterwards I started writing about hoppers in the newsletter trying to give them a space where you can get both technical information and useful
tips. With the advent of Facebook and twitter etc we got more current.
We have done some fun things with the cloudhoppers membership.
Facebook membership exceeds 3500 (around January 2024), and we have set world records along the way .
The thing with hopping is you meet some really nice people along your travels
and I have been very fortunate with these meetings.
I have a good relationship with the manufacturers and we are always seeking new ways of having fun with a hopper.
My two foremost goals still remain unchanged.
1, To hold an indoor hopper meet in a big hanger or exhibition building.
2, to establish a hopper only Alpine winter meet.
If you have got this far and have the passion for hopping , my advice is join the cloudhoppers page on Facebook and ask any question you have .there are a wealth of experts there , ready to share their passion .
As for me, im going to carry on until i get bored, hasnt happened yet, and im 20 years into it. But approaching 62 years old , probably my better days are behind me so we all have to enjoy what you get out of this !
Thanks for visiting the site and remember , in life there is no practising , so if you want to take part - seize the moment .
January 2024